Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Sixteen Year Old Virgin

From the Script

Dan: "I'll make you a map."

Dan: "That's not a 'friends only' dress..."

Blair (to Serena): (as Nate calls her) "Speaking of things we've shared..."

Jack: "I was drinking. Taking some over the counter pills they started keeping behind the counter. And meth."

Jack: "I've already had everything of Chuck's worth having."

Dan: "What?! She's not like a sister, more like a friend, or a classmate."

Jack: "I never realized how manyu sex puns you can make out of Chuck Bass."

Dan (telling Rufus who he's seeing): "It's actually... (as she walks into the room) Vanessa!"

Blair: "I'd pity them if I wasn't worried they'd spill orange soda on my Christian Louboutins."

Gossip Guys


Why did Jenny call the car service when she was still standing right in front of the door ? -2
There's no way Jenny has never heard of Dirty Dancing. Patrick Swayze died last year. -2
If Damien cared about Jenny so much, he wouldn't have stormed out on her like that. If he was so horny, he could have got it on with Serena earlier. -1
Rufus totally stands up to Jack about what he did to Lily. Too bad he didn't punch him in the face. +2
After Damien punched Nate, Jenny follows him in disbelief like "Uhh Daminen." Okay I'll go with you. But she is 16 after all. +1
Jenny seemed pretty normal about losing her virginity. +1
The speakerphone trick was used. Nice. +1
Jenny loves Serena. She immediately downloaded Dirty Dancing when she told her to watch it, and later listened to the soundtrack. That's a little much. -1
Of course Serena and Nate try a Chuck and Blair scheme, but fail. +2
Chuck is so cute around his new mom. +1
The Dan-Vanessa-Rufus scene. +2
Nate: "Never to be heard of again for a year." +1 Because he's so pretty, but so stupid.
The protesters were a little extreme for a sexual harassment lawsuit. -1
DNA tests can't be done in a few hours. -1
Damien walked in on Serena on the phone plotting against him, but he didn't hear her conversation at all. -1

Sum Total: +3

For the Love of Eric Damon

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